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Mastering Installation and Maintenance: A Comprehensive Guide to Urban Surfaces Solid State Wood Composite Flooring

  • Barbie Riza Estacion

Urban Surfaces introduces a flooring solution that combines durability, elegance, and ease of installation: Solid State Wood Composite Flooring. Engineered with a High-Density Fiberboard (HDF) core, this flooring system is designed to withstand the demands of residential and light commercial environments while adding a touch of sophistication to any space. In this comprehensive guide, we provide detailed instructions for proper installation and maintenance to ensure your flooring remains attractive, long-lasting, and covered by the manufacturer’s warranty.

Understanding Solid State Wood Composite Flooring

Urban Surfaces Odyssey Solid State In A Living Room Setting

Solid State Wood Composite Flooring represents a fusion of natural beauty and advanced technology. With its HDF core, this flooring solution offers exceptional durability and stability, making it suitable for above-grade, on-grade, and below-grade applications. However, it's important to note that Solid State Wood Composite Flooring is intended for interior use only and should be avoided in wet areas such as bathrooms.

Installation Instructions


1. Expansion Considerations

Floating Floor: Solid State Wood Composite Flooring is a floating floor system and should not be glued, nailed, or fastened to the subfloor. Allowing the flooring to expand and contract freely is essential to preventing issues such as buckling or warping.

Exception for Stairs: While the main flooring should not be fastened to the subfloor, stair treads and risers may require different installation methods. Refer to specific stair installation requirements for guidance.

2. Pre-Installation Preparation

Subfloor Preparation: Ensure the subfloor is clean, dry, level, and free from any debris or imperfections that may affect the installation process.

Cabinet Installation: Install permanent cabinets, vanities, islands, and similar items prior to installing Solid State Wood Composite Flooring. Leave a 3/8-inch gap around the perimeter to allow for expansion.

3. Protecting Your Flooring

Sunlight Exposure: Protect your flooring from direct sunlight exposure by using window treatments or UV tinting on windows. Direct sunlight can lead to UV fading and temperature-related damage to the flooring.

4. Overage Allowances

Ordering Extra Materials: To account for cuttings and waste, order 5-10% more flooring than the square footage needed for the installation. This ensures you have enough materials for the job and any potential future repairs.

5. Product Inspection

Check for Damage or Defects: Before installation, inspect the flooring to ensure it is in its original packaging and free from any visible damage or defects. Verify the correct color, design, batch number, size, and quantity to finish the job.

Maintenance Guidelines

Regular Cleaning: Maintain the beauty of your Solid State Wood Composite Flooring by regularly sweeping or vacuuming to remove dirt and debris. Use a damp mop with a mild detergent for deeper cleaning when necessary.

Avoid Acrylic Caulking: When sealing gaps around the perimeter, avoid using acrylic caulking or anything intended as an adhesive, as it may interfere with the flooring's expansion and contraction.

Why Solid State Wood Composite Flooring Stands Out?

Urban Surfaces Virage Solid State In A Modern Bedroom Setting

Solid State Wood Composite Flooring from Urban Surfaces stands out as a premier flooring solution for discerning homeowners and designers. Here's why it's the preferred choice:

Durability: With its HDF core and advanced construction, Solid State Wood Composite Flooring offers unmatched durability and stability, ensuring long-lasting performance in residential and light commercial environments.

Elegance: Featuring a wide range of colors, designs, and textures, Solid State Wood Composite Flooring adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any space, enhancing its visual appeal.

Ease of Installation: Designed as a floating floor system, Solid State Wood Composite Flooring is easy to install, saving time and resources during the installation process.

UV Protection: By protecting against direct sunlight exposure, Solid State Wood Composite Flooring maintains its color and integrity, preserving its beauty for years to come.


    In conclusion, Urban Surfaces Solid State Wood Composite Flooring offers the perfect balance of style, durability, and ease of installation for residential and light commercial applications.

    By following the provided installation and maintenance guidelines, you can ensure your flooring remains attractive, long-lasting, and covered by the manufacturer’s warranty, elevating the ambiance of your space with timeless elegance.

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